Information Systems

Information Systems

Information Systems Department Website

Ready to seize an opportunity at the intersection of technology and organizational management?

Successful organizations understand the unique capabilities of information technology (IT) and how its use enables efficient operations and effective support of organizational strategy. The design, development, implementation, and management of these systems require the creative efforts of individuals who understand both the technical and the business environments. Graduates with a major in information systems (IS) are able to provide technical leadership in the changing arena of information technology, to recognize opportunities in the business environment for the application of technology, and to understand the diversity of cultural, ethical, and political values and the overall socio-economic context within which the modern enterprise operates.

Become a Technology Leader

Information systems majors (1) develop an understanding of information technology and the roles it plays in the competitive strategy of the modern organization; (2) learn the technical skills by which systems and their supporting databases are developed and implemented; (3) recognize the need for data-related analytical decision making in a wide range of business functions, and (4) learn three or more programming languages so they can see solutions to common problems implemented in a number of ways within the computer environment. The programming languages studied are widely used within the business community.

A Profession in High Demand

Jobs in the area of information systems and technology are consistently rated as the best, top-paying, and available jobs in the market. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 13% from 2020 to 2030 which is faster than the average for all occupations.

Diverse Job Prospects

Following graduation, information systems majors typically start their careers as application developers, IT consultants, project managers, database administrators, network administrators, business/data/systems analysts, information security leaders, or IT auditors. They will likely work in jobs that require a mix of business and technical expertise. Longer-term career paths may lead to managerial positions in IS or other areas outside the technology-related area.

Degree Options and Requirements

While many information systems programs around the country have moved toward a less technical and more managerial focus, the Drake IS program continues to provide a balance of technical and business training necessary to succeed in today’s fast-paced technology industries. Students take several programming courses early in the program which enables them to compete successfully for internship opportunities and ultimately, full-time positions after graduation. The program also incorporates a track specialization where additional courses are taken in a business functional area to improve student’s knowledge of the relationship between technology and business processes.

Drake also offers a minor in Information Systems, requiring 23 credits of coursework.

Examples of Coursework:

Required major courses: Programming and application development, Database management, Information systems analysis and design

Elective courses: IT applications for business, Website technologies, Network management, Project management, IT legal and ethical issues, Exploring the Silicon Prairie

For a comprehensive list of courses required for Information Systems offered by the Zimpleman College of Business, visit this page.

Internship Opportunities

Classroom instruction is reinforced by the student’s everyday experiences: widespread use of information technology in all facets of the University’s operation, pervasive use of computers in the classroom and free high-speed access to the Internet. Numerous internship opportunities are available in the local business community where the financial services industries are particularly heavy users of information technology.

Find Out More

We love talking about the great things happening at Drake, but nothing beats a visit to campus. Let us know you’re coming and we’ll arrange for you to meet professors, sit in on a class, or just hang out with current students.

For more information about the Information Systems program, contact:

Zimpleman College of Business
Office of Student Achievement

Information Systems Department Website
